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The Invention of Telescope (English Edition) de S Ray

The Invention of Telescope (English Edition) de S Ray

Autor: S Ray
Categoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
Tapa blanda: 2574 KB
Idioma: Inglés
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Descripción - From the dawn of humankind to about 400 years ago, whatever we know our universe came through observations with the naked eye. Then Galileo turned his telescope toward the heavens. We know more and more about the nebula, planets and galaxies and various other things that are part of our universe. Within few years, our notion and understanding of the natural world got changed forever. A scientific and societal revolution quickly took placed. As time passed telescopes grew in size, complexity and power. They were placed far from city lights and as far above the clouds of the atmosphere as possible.

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